Showing posts with label vca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vca. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2018

Saltbush shoot on Location.

September 28, 2018 0
Saltbush shoot on Location.

The cast filled the locations and made each space a real living world that could be traversed by the camera.


My work on the traveling dance films over the past months paid off with a keen sense of how to travel with the camera and allow it to be led through the space by performance and action.

A bush walk that showed a group of teenagers gossiping about another character. The subject of the gossip traversed the foreground and the background of the shot. The teenage characters looked to relish the fact that they could gossip about a person who is walking only a few meters away.

Picking out the clear conversation of the select group amongst the crowded shot, or having the group revealed and connecting the conversation to them.

The teenagers playing a game on bunk beds revealing all their secrets to each other.

Low lights

Feeling my creative instincts compromised by wrangling and managing equipment. Feeling that Siobhan was also feeling her creativity compromised by all the work being done to manage the cast, location and logistics.